Celebrating Our Path of Ahkamimoh in Northern Saskatchewan: Developing Resiliency in Youth through Education | Emocikihtayak Ahkamimohwin meskanaw Ote Kiwetinohk Saskatchewan: Sohkeyimowin Oskayak Ekiskinwahamacik


  • Arlene Hansen Beauval, Saskatchewan




Ahkamimoh, Ahkameyimowin, Ahkamimohwin, Miyo Pimatisiwin, Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous Education


This article defines ahkamimohwin and how it can be practised in education. Ahkamimohwin is a Northern Cree word that means resilience (ahkameyimowin in Plains Cree, y dialect). It is a word that is commonly used to describe “persistence” or “never giving up.” Residential school trauma has affected northern Canadian communities such as Beauval, Saskatchewan, and it has continued even years after the school was closed. Today, many communities in Northern Saskatchewan suffer from addictions, poverty, and other challenges that impact negatively on ahkamimohwin and miyo-pimatisiwin (living a good life). By incorporating knowledge of traditional culture into our schools, as shared by Elders and Knowledge Keepers in the community, along with incorporating an awareness of place and belonging through connections to the land, family, community, and spirituality, ahkamimohwin will be integrated into education and will lead to miyo-pimatisiwin. Through this integration I believe our Beauval community can heal from the trauma of the residential school experiences and can build resiliency with our youth. This article is a chapter in the open textbook Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin (Ability to Make a Good Living), developed for the University of Saskatchewan course Indigenous Studies 410/810 and hosted by the Northern Review.

Author Biography

Arlene Hansen, Beauval, Saskatchewan

Principal, Valleyview School





Mitho Pimachesowin through Education