No. 56 (2024)
General Articles plus
Special Collection: Media Representations of the Arctic
Special Collection Guest Editor: Mathieu Landriault, École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP), MontrealIncludes articles first published advance online September 2024.
Cover: Boreal Night | Doug Rutherford | Watercolour on paper, 11x15 -
No. 55 (2024)
General Issue
Includes articles first published advance online from January 31, 2024
Cover: Tag the Scientists! | Amanda Graham -
No. 54 (2023)
General Issue
Includes articles first published advance online from December 16, 2022
Cover Art: Kaylyn Baker -
No. 53 (2022)
Special Issue
Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin: Perspectives from Northern Saskatchewan
Guest Editor: Bonita Beatty, University of Saskatchewan
INDG 410/810 Open Textbook
Cover: Kiwetinohk Pimachesowin (Northern Way of Life) | Photo Bonita Beatty
This issue was funded in part by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan -
No. 51 (2021)
General Issue
Cover: Yukon Ecoregions | Amber Church www.amberchurchart.comIncludes articles first published advance online May 25, 2021
No. 50 (2020)
Special Issue: Law in the Canadian North
Guest Editors
Chief Justice Ron Veale, Justice Suzanne Duncan, Ken Coates, Bruce Warnsby, Andrea Bailey (ex officio)
This publication is funded in part by the Law Society of Yukon.
Cover: Trees II, Martha Jane Ritchie, Haines Junction, Yukon -
No. 49 (2020)
Includes Special Collection: Place-Based Sustainability Research in the Provincial North
Special Collection Guest Editors: Rebecca Schiff, Charles Levkoe & Lindsay Galway, Lakehead UniversityCover: Sunrise on the Porcupine River (Ch'oodeenjik), Yukon, as we head out in our boat to hunt moose (dinjik) | Paul Josie
Includes articles first published advance online between Sep 2019 and Jan 2020
No. 47 (2018)
Special Issue: Dealing with Resource Development in Canada's North
Guest editor: Chris Southcott, Lakehead University
Research from the Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (ReSDA) project.
Cover: My dad and our dog team | Dennis Shorty
My dad and my mom were famous for dog mushing; this was our vehicle for the winter.
Dennis Shorty Fine Art -
No. 46 (2017)
Special Issue: Northern Literature
Poetry, Fiction & Creative Non-Fiction from the Yukon, Alaska, Northwest Territories, and Norway
Guest editors: Maureen Long, Eric Heyne, Andrew Richardson & Jamella Hagen
Cover: un petit bouchon by Lara Melnik | polymer clay | -
No. 45 (2017)
Special Collection: Innovation in the Circumpolar North
Guest Editor: Heather Hall, University of Waterloo
The articles in this special collection were originally presented at a workshop organized by the University of the Arctic’s Thematic Network on the Commercialization of Science and Technology for the North, held at Yukon College, Whitehorse, in November 2015.
Cover: Icefield Discovery Camp, in the shadow of Mt. Logan, Kluane National Park, Yukon | Photo Jennifer Eakins -
No. 44 (2017)
Special Issue: The North and the First World War
Guest editors: Brent Slobodin and Ken Coates
This issue funded in part by Veterans Affairs Canada and by the Yukon Historical and Museums AssociationCover: A large crowd greets Captain George Black, Commissioner of the Yukon, when he returns to Dawson City, 8 June 1916 | Gates Collection
No. 43 (2016)
Special Collection: Nursing Education in the Circumpolar North
Guest editor: Heather Exner-Pirot, Coordinator, University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education
Cover: Tagé Cho | Big River. Lianne Marie Leda Charlie -
No. 42 (2016)
Includes Special Collection: Northern Inequalities - Global Processes, Local Legacies
Special Collection Guest editors: Andrew Hodgkins and Barret Weber
Cover: Women's Mitts | Mrs. Annie Smith -
No. 41 (2015)
Special Issue: Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic
Guest Editor: Chris Southcott
More about the ReSDA research networkCover: Koidern, Yukon | Photo Syd Cannings
No. 40 (2015)
General Issue
including Yukon College Editorial | Poised for the Next Step: University, by Karen Barnes & Amanda Graham
Cover: Detail from "Whitehorse to Inuvik, #17" from the series Get There From Here, by Nicole Bauberger -
No. 39 (2015)
Special issue: Consultation and Resource Development in Northern Communities: Russia, Scandinavia & Canada
These discussion papers were originally presented at the 2014 Walleye Seminar, organized by the International Centre for Northern Governance and Development and held in Northern Saskatchewan. They are available in English and Russian.
Guest editor: Greg Poelzer, University of Saskatchewan
Cover: The Face of Force | Owen Munroeстатьи доступны на английском и русском языках. смотрите ниже.
No. 38 (2014)
Special Collection: Political and Economic Change in Canada's Provincial North
Guest Editors: Greg Poelzer and Ken Coates
Cover: Wild Crocuses, First Kiss of Spring | Daphne Mennell -
No. 37 (2013)
Special collection | The Arctic Council, the EU, and Polar Politics: Canada, France, Germany, Russia & the UK
Guest editor: Frances Abele, Carleton University
Cover: Ben-My-Chree Gardens | Stephanie Ryan -
No. 36 (2012)
General issue
Cover: Hidden Valley School Mural | Students & Staff of Hidden Valley School, Yukon -
No. 35 (2012)
Special collection: Travel and Tourism in the Circumpolar North
Guest editor: Suzanne de la Barre, Umea University, Sweden
Cover: Greenland postage stamp from Cultural Heritage Series, 2000, artist Anne-Birthe Hove -
No. 33 (2011)
Special issue: Canada's Role in the Circumpolar World
Guest editor: Greg Poelzer
Cover: Joyce Majiski -
No. 31 (2009)
Special Issue: Northern Literature
Guest editor: Eric Heyne, University of Alaska Fairbanks -
No. 30 (2009)
Includes special collection of articles exploring the social economy of northern Canada. This issue was partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada through the Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada.
No. 29 (2008)
Special Issue. The Northern Research Institute: Fifteen Years of Building Yukon Research Capacity
No. 28 (2008)
This issue includes a special collection of articles exploring Rapid Landscape Change & Human Response in the Arctic & Subarctic
No. 27 (2007)
Festscrift in Honour of Aron Senkpiel. This issues includes articles on post-secondary education in the Circumpolar North, Aron's contributions to education in the North, and North-centred scholarship.
Winter 2001
No. 24"Uncertain Future, Deliberate Action." Proceedings of the Circumpolar Climate Change Summit. Whitehorse, Yukon, 19-21 March 2001
Summer 2001
No. 23A special theme issue discussing aspects of the relationships between northern communities and the state, guest edited by
Jonathan Anderson and Tamara Kotar -
Winter 2000
No. 22Proceedings of the Circumpolar Women's Conference "Different Lives, Common Threads," Whitehorse, Yukon, 18-20 November 1999 & The North Colloquium, Edmonton, Alberta, May 2000 -
Summer 1995
No. 14Cover: Turak Newman, photo by David Paul Nelson, Staff Photographer, Alaska and Polar Regions Department, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, n.d.