Oral Traditions of the Woodland Cree (Nihithawak) in Northern Saskatchewan: Links to Cultural Identity, Ways of Knowing, Language Revitalization, and Connections to the Land | Nehithāwi – Kiskethihtamiwin: Kayās Āchimowina Ekwa Āchithohkewina. Nihithowewin, Nihithawihtāwin Mena Mithopimāchihowin


  • Blake Charles Hamlet of Stanley Mission (Kisechiwanohk), Saskatchewan




Woodland Cree, Oral Tradition, Nihithawak, Āchithokīwina, Indigenous Knowledge, Cree Knowledge, Indigenous Storytelling, Storytelling Methodology


The purpose of this article is to introduce the significance of oral tradition among the Woodland Cree, Nihithawak, in Northern Saskatchewan. Storytelling and stories reinforce Cree world view, culture, language, knowledge, values, and sustainable ways of knowing and being. In contemporary times, Cree storytelling methodology is one of the main ways of passing on cultural teachings within families, communities, and schools. At one point in history, there was a deliberate attempt to destroy Cree culture and languages in Canada through colonization and the residential school system. There is now a resurgence to strengthen and restore Cree Oral Traditions through language revitalization efforts. This article is a chapter in the open textbook Indigenous Self-Determination through Mitho Pimachesowin (Ability to Make a Good Living), developed for the University of Saskatchewan course Indigenous Studies 410/810 and hosted by the Northern Review.

Keyāpich kayāsi – kiskethihtamiwin ihtakwan nihithowewinihk mena kisteyithihtākwan. Itinowak okiskethetamowiniwāw kekakwe nisowanāchihtānowithiw kiskinwahamātowikamikohk. Māka kāwi mena ati pasikomakan oma nihithowewin machika mena nihithawi- kiskethihtamiwin.

Author Biography

Blake Charles, Hamlet of Stanley Mission (Kisechiwanohk), Saskatchewan

General Manager, Northern Lights Community Development Corporation, Saskatchewan; originally from Amachiwespimiwinihk in the Hamlet of (Stanley Mission) Kisechiwanohk.





Exploring the Concept of Mitho Pimachesowin